ajourney2success.com (est. 2012)

In 2011, I was extensively bullied both at school and online to the point that I began to question my self worth and give up on the big dreams I had. Knowing the feelings of loneliness and worthlessness, I was empowered to start this website when a friend of mine opened up about her own story of depression, bullying, and attempting suicide. From being each others’ sources of inspiration, I found the courage within me to share my story in hopes of brightening other people’s lives so that they love and believe in themselves to take care of themselves as well as others.

The undeniable fact of this life is that it’s hard! From reading countless personal accounts through literature or media, and connecting with people from their stories, I am sure that everyone has had a struggle, is struggling, or will struggle at some point in their life. I’ve had struggles in my life: seven near death experiences (not extremely horrific, more like frightening) and various health challenges. Despite these obstacles, I am extremely fortunate and beyond grateful of the blessed life I have.

I started this website back in 2012 with the goal to empower you(th) through this roller coaster journey of life. I write to connect with others, reinforce their untapped potential, and perhaps provide inspiration or guidance in their difficulties. Prominently, I write to thread our stories, our lives together with the unification of love, purpose, and hope for a better world.

Art 2 Heart Foundation (est. 2014)

Me and three other Art 2 Heart executives at Surrey Steps Up (2018)

Me and three other Art 2 Heart executives at Surrey Steps Up (2018)

Art was something I was born with. I can't imagine not drawing or my life without art. At the ripe age of 3, I began weekly art lessons and during those 14 years, I entered various art competitions including explorART's Creative Painting Competitions which I have consecutively won from 2002 to 2015. From bronze, to silver, to gold last year, and various technique awards, my collections of art were often compiled at art galleries. In 2013 - 2014, I began to think about how I could combine my talent for arts with my passions for youth empowerment & civic engagement.

I founded Art2Heart Foundation in 2014 with initial plans of starting annual art galas to feature artistic talents of youth in the City of Surrey. Fundamentally, the idea behind this non-profit was to reiterate the idea that art is boundless and it is always beautiful. As the highest form of creative and imaginative expression, it is grounded both in self and the universal. As someone who heavily depended on art to get through losing my grandpa to cancer, tackling unexpected health challenges, or bullying I understood how art at its very core is vengeance against circumstance. That regardless of what it is that happens to us, we can reclaim our identities and self through art. And to use that process as one of healing and reconnecting with those around us.

Art2Heart works to empower teens to share their stories through a broad range of art forms and give them freedom to express themselves. Working as the executive director from 2014 - 2016, I have interacted with talent youth who came to teach the participants more about their art form. At our bimonthly meetings, participants had exposure to a new art forms, brainstorm ideas for workshops we hold in the city, and have a safe place to work on their artistic pieces for the art gallery event. At flagship art gallery events, youth display their artwork and perform their talents with all the money donated to community projects the youth are passionate about.

*To date (2021), this youth non-profit has raised $12,000 and impacted 1000+ community members.


Youth Engagement